degrees of freedom using time-dependent electromagnetic fields
. Such advances where made
possible by substantial technological breakthroughs but also by theoretical developments in the field
of quantum control
. A crucial part of this theory is related to implementing the desired
transformations on a quantum system as fast as possible, in order to avoid undesirable
environmental effects which can destroy the coherence properties of the system
. In this context,
during the past two decades there has been a renewed interest on understanding the fundamental
limitations on the speed of evolution of quantum systems. These limitations, typically referred to as
quantum speed limits (QSLs), were originally formulated via Heisenberg-like uncertainty relations
by Mandelstam and Tamm in the mid 20th century
, and have since then been thoroughly studied
and generalized to a variety of scenarios, such as open quantum system dynamics, evolution of
mixed states and time-dependent Hamiltonians
The connection between the QSL and practical quantum control problems received much attention
since the work of Caneva et al.
, who showed that quantum optimal control methods
could be
used to explore what is the minimal time needed to control a quantum system, and provided a link
with the QSL \footnote{The nomenclature can be confusing since the quantum control
literature typically refers to minimum control times as 'quantum speed limit times'. Such
quantity is not directly related to the original quantum speed limit results given by the
Mandelstam-Tamm (and also Margolus-Levitin) relation. The main difference is that the
minimum control time depends on a target state, while the QSL time does not.} bounds for
some specific systems. Since then, numerous studies have implemented this methodology
However, apart from a handful of cases
, the search for the minimum control time has to be
performed numerically and, even in that case, one can only find an upper bound to it
. So, as has
been pointed out in previous works
, it is important to develop lower bounds on control times
which are as informative and tight as possible, while at the same time being computable before
solving the actual (optimal) control problem. In this paper we illustrate how the standard QSL
formulation is not particularly suitable for this task, because of its dependence on the (a priori
unknown) evolution on the system. To demonstrate this point, we present a self-contained
introduction to the standard QSL formulation for unitary dynamics and its application to time-
dependent Hamiltonians. We then show that the presented framework, suitable extended and
modified, can indeed lead to meaningful lower bounds on the control time. We show three
examples of such bounds which are taken or adapted from previous works, and explicitly work
them out for the paradigmatic example of state control on a driven two-level quantum system.
This paper is organized as follows. In Sec. II we present an introductory overview on the topic of
quantum speed limits for unitary evolution, going through its original formulation as derived from
Robertson's uncertainty relation, and its geometrical interpretation due to Anandan and Aharonov.
Then, in Sec. III we discuss QSLs for time-dependent Hamiltonians and its corresponding natural
connection with quantum control. Here we argue that the QSL bounds derived in this formulation
cannot generally be used for bounding control times a priori, i.e., before solving the optimal control
problem, because of the presence of unknown control parameters. We then revisit scattered
proposals in the literature of bounds which overcome this issue and discuss their connection with
the standard QSL. Finally, in Sec. IV we compare the aforementioned bounds in the context of a
driven two-level system. In this way we extend the results of Ref.
, in which different bounds
derived from the standard QSL where compared originally. At the end of the article, in Sec. V we
present some ideas for future work and final remarks.
Here we present an introductory overview of the quantum speed limit formulation for Hamiltonian
evolution, including derivations of the most relevant mathematical expressions. Note that we do not