confined case (which can be taken as the W=21 cm case
[11]) occurs for smaller bubble sizes in the case of the mean
rise velocity as compared with the mean aspect ratio of the
bubble. This can be particularly noticed in the W=7 cm
case, for which the departure from the mean rise velocity of
unconfined occurs already at d≈0.7 cm, while for bubbles
of that size the value of χis the same in that confinement as
compared with the unconfined case. More generally, if one
defines dcV (W)(resp. dcχ(W)) as the diameter for which the
effect of the confinement begins to be noticed in Vb(resp.
χ) for a given W, then dcV (W)<dcχ(W).
For sufficiently confined bubbles, there is a small size
range for which the bubble rises with shape oscillations but
with a vertical center of mass trajectory. This regime is not
observed in the unconfined case because the trajectory of
the bubble eventually becomes unstable and begins to show
oscillations, which may or may not be regular. The lateral
confinement thus provides a stabilizing effect to the move-
ment of the bubble in this scenario.
For bubbles with both path and shape oscillations the fun-
damental frequency fis that corresponding to the path osci-
llations. This frequency, fis related with the frequency fχ,
corresponding to shape oscillations, being f=fχ/2 (Fig.
3). This indicates that the bubble aspect ratio has two os-
cillations at every period of path oscillation, which in turn
reflects the symmetry of the path. In contrast, in the case of
bubbles that only have shape oscillations the only frequency
will be fχ. We present, then, in Fig. 7the frequency values
corresponding to the shape oscillations, for all the bubbles
studied in this work.
FIG. 7: Frequency fχas a function of d. The symbol convention is
the same as in Fig. 5.
For each W, the values of fχfor bubbles in the regime of
only shape oscillations are close to those of the biggest bub-
bles showing path oscillations. This means that, even if the
characteristics of the rise regime are completely different,
the frequency of the shape oscillations does not change bet-
ween the two regimes.
Moreover, the frequency of oscillation does not depend
on the cell width (except for the most confined cases, ξ<
0.6, for which a “bouncing” effect appears [11]). The same
can be said for the amplitude of oscillation of the vertical
component of the velocity (Fig. 8). This means that the cha-
racteristic velocity scale that controls those parameters is
the relative velocity between the bubble and the fluid and
not the bubble mean rise velocity [11].
FIG. 8: Amplitude of oscillation of the vertical component of the
velocity, Vy, as a function of d. The symbol convention is the same
as in Fig. 5.
It is interesting to point out some similarities between the
laterally confined cases and the problem of a bubble rising
in a thin-gap cell that is laterally unbounded, in the presen-
ce of a moderate counterflow. In that problem, it was found
[14] that the bubble velocity slows down in the presence
of a counterflow of mean velocity Uc f , its final rise velo-
city being Vb−Uc f (where Uc f was always smaller than Vb).
This means that the mean relative velocity between the bub-
ble and the fluid remains unchanged with respect to the case
of the bubble rising freely (in the absence of counterflow),
as it is the case in the laterally confined cases. Moreover,
the velocity amplitudes and frequency of oscillation also
remain the same regardless of the counterflow, as it is the
case with the lateral confinement. However, some differen-
ces arise, particularly with respect to the bubble shape. The
presence of a counterflow barely modifies the mean aspect
ratio χof the bubble, while it was seen (Fig. 6) that the la-
teral confinement produces a decrease in the value of χfor
a bubble of a given size. A similar behavior can be seen in
the amplitude of the orientation of the bubble (not shown
in this work), which is in fact a magnitude that is strongly
related to χ[11].
We investigated the oscillatory motion of inertial bubbles
rising in a thin-gap cell with an additional lateral confine-
ment. The influence of the cell width Won the bubble rise
velocity, shape and oscillations was characterized. A mean
relative velocity between the bubble and the fluid was in-
troduced and shown to be independent of W. The analogy
with the results for a counterflow experiment without lateral
confinement was discussed. Finally, for strong enough late-
ral confinements we also showed the existence of a regime
for which the bubble exhibits only shape oscillations.
The authors are grateful to G. Ehses, G. Albert and L.
Mouneix for building the IMFT experimental set-up and
to S. Cazin for his help with the optical technique. This
collaboration was possible thanks to the financial support
from CONICET and Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argenti-
na and from INPT, Toulouse (SMI fundings 2016 and 2018)
and became part of the IRP CNRS-CONICET IVMF in
Pavlov et al. / Anales AFA - XVI Meeting on Recent Advances of Physics of Fluids and its Applications 66-70 69