Anales AFA Vol. 34 Nro. 1 (Marzo 2023 - Junio 2023) 17-21
Materia Condensada
J. R. Fernández 1,2, R. C. Pasianot 1,2, M. I. Pascuet *1,
1. Gerencia de Materiales, CAC, CNEA CONICET, Av. Gral Paz 1499 (B1650LWP) Gral. San Martin, Buenos Aires,
2. Instituto Sabato, UNSAM CNEA, Av. Gral Paz 1499 (B1650LWP) Gral. San Martin, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Autor para correspondencia: *
Recibido: 15/12/2021; Aceptado: 27/12/2022
ISSN 1850-1168 (online)
Durante la irradiación neutrónica de aleaciones de U-Mo se produce un fenómeno de ordenamiento de cavidades cúbico
de caras centradas (fcc), coherente con la estructura cúbica de cuerpo centrado (bcc) de su matriz. En la aleación U-
10wt%Mo, las cavidades tienen un diámetro de unos 30 Å y un parámetro de superred de aproximadamente 120 Å.
Muchos trabajos de la literatura, implícitamente vinculan la sobrepresurización de las cavidades con gases de fisión
(Xe,Kr) como la responsable de la interacción que conduce a este ordenamiento. Sin embargo, observaciones recientes
indican que, en las primeras etapas del quemado del combustible, las cavidades que componen dicha superred se
encuentran prácticamente vacías. En este trabajo, realizamos simulaciones de dinámica molecular tendientes a estudiar la
morfología de una cavidad vacía y caracterizar su interacción mutua con la distancia y el ordenamiento. Se encuentra que
las cavidades son facetadas y sólo pueden interactuar a distancias muy cercanas, de unos pocos planos atómicos.
Palabras clave: dinámica molecular, U-Mo, superredes de cavidades.
During neutron irradiation of U-Mo alloys, a phenomenon of fcc ordering of cavities is produced, coherent with the bcc
structure of its matrix. In the U-10wt%Mo alloy, the cavities have a diameter of about 30 Å and a superlattice parameter
of approximately 120 Å. Many works in the literature implicitly link the overpressurization of the cavities with fission
gases (Xe,Kr) as being responsible for the interaction that leads to this ordering. However, recent observations indicate
that, in the early burnup stages of the fuel, the cavities that make up this superlattice are practically empty. In this work,
we perform molecular dynamics simulations aimed at studying the morphology of an empty cavity (void) and
characterizing its mutual interaction with distance and ordering. The cavities are found to be faceted and can only interact
at very close distances, of a few atomic planes. Keywords: molecular dynamics, U-Mo, void superlattices.
Since several decades, the alloy of U with Mo in the γ phase (bcc) has been proposed as a highdensity nuclear fuel
[1], which increases burnup and favors non-proliferation. In this alloy, the fission of the uranium isotopes produces Xe
and Kr at the rate of one gas atom for every four fission events [2]. Inert gas atoms have a strong tendency to precipitate
in small bubbles due to their low solubility.
Up to moderate burnup, the nanobubbles (mainly of Xe) have a diameter of 30-40 Å and are not randomly distributed
but aligned in an fcc superlattice of about 120 Å lattice constant, which is oriented parallel to the bcc lattice of UMo [3].
This Xe nanobubble superlattice resembles similar structures that form in other metals (Mo, W, Al, Cu, and many others
[4]) under ion/neutron irradiation at particular conditions (temperature, dose).
TABLA 1: Lattice parameter a, energy per atom Ea and elastic constants Cij of the bcc U-10wt%Mo alloy at T = 500 K
given by the homogeneous (AA) and the heterogeneous material (hetero).
a (Å)
Ea (eV)
C11 (GPa)
C12 (GPa)
C44 (GPa)
Shenyang Hu et al. [2] pointed out three possible mechanisms as responsible for nanobubble superlattice formation:
elastic interaction, one-dimensional migration of self-interstitial atoms, and dislocation punch out. Several theoretical
works can be found in the literature [2, 5-8] exploring such mechanisms mostly under the assumption that they may be
due to overpressurized bubbles. Nevertheless, Salvato et al. [9] recently found that, at low burnup, i) nanobubble lattice
forms preferentially at grain boundaries and extends to the grain interior with increasing irradiation dose, and ii) bubbles
are extremely underpressurized, suggesting its void-like nature.
In order to shed some more light on the above questions, nanovoids morphologies and interactions are presently
studied for the U-10wt%Mo alloy. The molecular dynamics technique, at T = 500 K (estimated working temperature in a
nuclear reactor) and periodic boundary conditions in all directions, is chosen. Embedded atom method (EAM) interatomic
potentials derived from the work of Smirnova et al. [10] for U-Mo system are employed. All simulations are performed
with the LAMMPS code [11] while most of the visualization and analysis of results are made with OVITO [12].
2.1. Average atom potential
To avoid the limitations entailed by making the simulations at a given, fixed, component distribution of the alloy, the
averaging method of Varvenne et al. [13] is used. The method allows obtaining an average atom (AA) potential starting
from the original EAM interaction. The AA potential constitutes a reasonably faithful representation of the heterogeneous
system, e.g. stabilizing the γ phase (bcc) only at relatively high temperatures (T > 400 K). Table 1 reports some of the
structural and elastic properties presently calculated for the studied alloy using each potential. In what follows simulations
performed with the AA potential are referred to as homogeneous (material), while those using the original one on purely
random mixtures, as heterogeneous.
2.2. Void faceting
The simplest shape one can imagine for a void is a sphere. Following this naïve approach, a spherical void of r = 20
Å (1984 vacancies) is carved in a cubic heterogeneous cell of around 144 Å edge 22at% Mo (149216 atoms, equivalent
to 10wt% Mo). The cell is run for 3000 ps at constant NPT at a high temperature (T = 800 K) in order to accelerate atomic
movements, in particular, at the surface of the void. The resultant surface diffusion is not homogeneous and depends on
position on the surface.
Displacements are limited almost exclusively to atoms located near <111> directions on the void surface, while atoms
on or close to {110} planes hardly move (see Fig. 1a). At the end of the simulation, flat atomic surfaces on the {110} and
{100} densest planes start to develop. Fig. 1b and 1c show two possible ideal Wulff (equilibrium) shapes as suggested by
simulation results.
Assuming that voids adopt the perfect polyhedral shape of Fig. 1c, simulations of faceted voids of r = 15 Å (671
vacancies) are performed in a cell of 143 Å edge (147505 atoms) for both the heterogeneous and homogenous material to
characterize the defect. This time, simulations are performed at constant NVT with T = 500 K and lattice parameters taken
from Table 1. In the case of the heterogeneous system, 100 short runs of 25 ps with different random configurations are
averaged out to obtain a representative energy. The first 10 ps in each run are discarded to avoid any contribution from
transient states. The formation energy E f of a vacancy cluster is calculated as:
FIG. 1: Void morphology in U-10%wtMo. a) (100) projection of the bcc lattice with a void of r = 20 Å showing atomic
displacements (black arrows) after 3000 ps at T = 800 K. Colored circles are U/Mo atoms. Traces of two {110} planes
are also shown. Ideal Wulff shapes of the void: b) {100} truncated and c) regular rhombic dodecahedrons. Miller indices
of the planes are indicated.
E f =EN+def NEa (1)
where EN+def is the energy of the cell with N atoms and the defect, and Ea the corresponding energy per atom appearing in
Table 1. The obtained values are E f =(182.7±0.3) eV for the heterogeneous and E f =(207.9±0.2) eV for the homogeneous
system. The difference between potentials might be attributed to possible limitations of the AA model at finite
temperatures [14], already suggested by Table 1. The same methodology was used by other authors [15] to model a 5-
component alloy. In this case, atomic sizes of the components do not differ in more than 3% and the mixing enthalpies of
all binary mixtures are less than 0.7 kJ/mol [16]. These characteristics make the alloy an almost ideal mix and, therefore,
the AA approximation performs particularly well. On the contrary, in the present U-Mo alloy the atomic sizes of both
species differ by more than 12% and the enthalpy of mixing is about 4 kJ/mol at 22at%Mo [17]. As a result, the U-Mo
mixture has important structural distortions, which are absent in a homogeneous medium such as the AA. It is also worth
noting that the AA is strictly a method for calculating the average energy at 0 K. At finite temperatures the (average)
thermodynamic energy of the heterogeneous medium will not necessarily match the AA result [14]. However, we believe
that presently the temperature effect is less important than that of size. We must keep in mind these limitations when using
the AA method for the UMo alloy.
The observed facet development is consistent with the atomic plane densities and energies in this alloy. Surface
energies calculated for the most compact planes for the homogeneous and the heterogeneous system are reported in Table
2. The first principles (FP) unrelaxed values of Mei et al. [18] are also reported for comparison. The lowest energy occurs
for the {110} compact bcc planes. On the other hand, differences between surface energies for homogeneous and
heterogeneous materials may help to understand the disagreement between the obtained values of E f .
TABLA 2: Surface energies (mJ/m2) for the most compact planes in U-10wt%Mo at T = 500 K for the homogeneous (AA)
and the heterogeneous (hetero) material. Also reported are the unrelaxed FP values from Ref. 18.
Ref. 18
As a precedent in the literature, it is worth to mention the work of Miao et al. [19] in pure γU, showing that
smallvacancy clusters remaining from a collision cascade adopt polyhedral shapes with {110} facets. Other authors
indirectly suggest that faceting is related to the gas pressure exerted on the bubble surface [2, 8, 20, 21]. Simulations
performed by Shenyang Hu et al [2] in U-10wt%Mo with the same interatomic potential show that bubbles become
faceted, but in {111} planes, when they emit dislocation loops by Xe overpressurization. On the other hand, Beeler et al.
[8] found that faceting can result in an energy reduction in this alloy even at lower Xe pressures, but no comments are
made on facet orientation. In transmission electron microscopy, faceting may be difficult to observe because out-of-focus
conditions are required to measure bubble diameters and distances. On He+ ion implanted Fe-Cr alloys, Snoeck et al. [20]
were able to reveal faceting in helium bubbles as small as 22 Å by means of electron holography. In the case of the UMo
alloy, Leenaers et al. [21] found that the larger gas bubbles were faceted at high burn-up, when the superlattice ordering
is lost.
In the following, it is considered that the equilibrium shape of a void in the UMo alloy is the polyhedron depicted in
Fig. 1c and interactions for the U-10wt%Mo are reasonably well represented by the AA potential.
2.3. Two close voids
In order to study void interactions, two faceted voids with an average radius of r = 15 Å (671 vacancies) were created
at distance d between their centroids in a large cell of 240 Å × 125 Å × 120 Å (185858 atoms) of homogeneous material.
The bcc lattice was oriented such that one of the {110} facets of each void are directly facing each other along a <110>
crystallographic direction. Distances were varied from almost contact up to 120 Å. As it is assumed that the bcc lattice do
not change its bulk equilibrium volume by addition of these defects, simulations were performed at constant NVT. Fig. 2
shows the E f dependence on the distance d between voids, calculated by means of eq. 1. It can be seen a rather strong
repulsion at very short distances and a rapid decay to a constant value corresponding to twice the formation energy for
single void. In particular, the curve hardly shows any minimum that might set the superlattice parameter of experimental
2.4. Void superlattices
To test for a preferred ordering, the fcc, bcc and simple cubic (sc) void superlattices are studied for the homogeneous
material varying the first neighbor distance d1nn. Spherical (r = 15 Å, 725 vacancies) and faceted voids (r = 15 Å, 671
vacancies) are NVT simulated at T = 500 K. In each superlattice, the simulation cell is chosen as the primitive supercell
containing one void, except for bcc faceted case in which a cubic shape with two voids has been used (see Fig. 3). Spherical
voids displayed some limited
FIG. 2: Formation energies E f of two faceted voids (r=15Å, 671 vacancies) as a function of their centroid distance d.
Simulations for an homogeneous material at T = 500 K under NVT conditions.
FIG. 3: Simulation cells for each of the studied superlattices: a) fcc, b) bcc, c) sc. The a) and c) cells are primitive,
containing one faceted void per cell, while the one for the bcc is twice the primitive cell and has two voids. Only atoms
(gray circles) at the surface of the voids are shown.
atomic movements while rearrangements of surface atoms on faceted voids were absent throughout the whole simulation.
Fig. 4 shows the dependence of the formation energy E f on d1nn. Spherical voids do not seem to manifest any strong
dependence. On the other hand, faceted voids in fcc arrangement show a behavior similar to that found for two close voids
while no noticeable features can be seen for bcc and sc. Also, no preferred ordering is apparent.
FIG. 4: Formation energies E f of voids (r = 15 Å) as a function of the first neighbor distance d1nn arranged in fcc, bcc
and sc superlattices: a) spherical voids (725 vacancies), b) faceted voids (671 vacancies). Simulations have been
performed using the AA potential at NVT with T = 500 K.
Voids morphology and interactions are investigated for the U-10wt%Mo alloy by means of molecular dynamics at 500
K. A suitable average atom potential is used in the simulations, derived from the original potential of Smirnova et al. [10].
Spherical voids show inhomogeneous atomic movement at their surface, suggesting an evolution towards a different
shape. On the other hand, {110} faceted voids are seen to be completely stable throughout all simulations, which can be
explained by its lowest surface energy among all other orientations. Therefore, a {110} faceted void is proposed as the
equilibrium Wulff shape. Interactions between voids of different morphologies are studied by varying distance and
distribution in the bcc lattice. It is found that interactions are only present in faceted voids when two {110} facets oppose
each other along a <110> direction at a distance no greater than a few atomic planes. This effect can be attributed to a
short range surface-surface interaction. The current simulations suggest that elastic interactions are involved in neither
ordering type nor superlattice size.
4. Acknowledgments
To PIP 2021 CONICET 11220200100318CO for partial support.
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