Fluids 2023


The fluid dynamics and plasmas community is invited to participate in the XVII Meeting on Recent Advances in Fluid Physics and its Applications (XVII Meeting on Recent Advances of Physics of Fluids and its Applications) in the period from November 01 to 03, 2023 in San Luis - Argentina. The evaluated and accepted papers will be published in a special issue of Anales AFA. The evaluation of the works will follow the standards and procedures of the Journal, and the task will be in charge of the Scientific Committee of the event.


Dra. Irene Ippolito (Presidenta)

Dr. José Di Paolo

Dr. Sebastian Ubal

Dr. Norberto Nigro

Dr. Pablo Cobelli

Dr. Alejandro G. González

Dra. Ana María Vidales

Dr. Ariel Meyra

Dr. Carlos Alberto Perazzo

Dr. Carlos Corvalán

Dr. Javier Alberto Diez

Dra. Jésica Benito

Dr. Juan Manuel Gomba

Dr. Mario Cachile

Dr. Raúl Urteaga

Dra. Verónica I. Marconi

Dr. Luis Thomas

Dra. Diana Grondona

Dr. Leandro Prevosto

Dr. César Pairetti

Dr. Gustavo Sarasúa

Dr. Pablo Kler

Dr. Pablo Dmitruk

Dra. Beatriz Marino

Dr. Gastón Miño

Dr. Nicolás Silin

Dr. Román Martino

Dr. Carlos Marcelo García Rodríguez