Physicochemical, optical and rheological characterization of extractive solutions from Phyllanthus sellowianus and Bauhinia forficata


  • Patricia Buszniez Facultad de Cs. Bioquímicas y Farmacéuticas (UNR)
  • Hermano Mascaro Grosso Facultad de Cs. Bioquímicas y Farmacéuticas (UNR)
  • Marcela Delannoy Facultad de Cs. Bioquímicas y Farmacéuticas (UNR)
  • Osvaldo Antonio Di Sapio Facultad de Cs. Bioquímicas y Farmacéuticas (UNR)
  • Bibiana Doris Riquelme Facultad de Cs. Bioquímicas y Farmacéuticas (UNR) Grupo Óptica Aplicada a la Biología, IFIR (CONICET-UNR)


The species Phyllanthus sellowianus (Ps) or White Sarandi and Bauhinia forficate (Bf) or Hoof of Cow, are both found and used traditionally in our country for the treatment of Diabetes. In this work, different extractive solutions were prepared with the wood and leaves of the plant species mentioned and physicochemical, optical and rheological parameters were measured. Obtained results allow a characterization of these extracts demonstrating the presence of different chemical components such as phenolic compounds and triterpenic saponins, varying in concentration as the extraction method used. These results help to future research for a better understanding of the action mechanisms by which extracts of these species or their phytochemical components can be used for the treatment of diabetes in phytomedicine.

Author Biographies

Patricia Buszniez, Facultad de Cs. Bioquímicas y Farmacéuticas (UNR)

Farmacéutica, Especialista en Plantas medicinales

Hermano Mascaro Grosso, Facultad de Cs. Bioquímicas y Farmacéuticas (UNR)

Biólogo. Pasante extranjero en la FCByF (UNR)

Marcela Delannoy, Facultad de Cs. Bioquímicas y Farmacéuticas (UNR)

Doctora en Física

Bibiana Doris Riquelme, Facultad de Cs. Bioquímicas y Farmacéuticas (UNR) Grupo Óptica Aplicada a la Biología, IFIR (CONICET-UNR)

Doctora en Física




